When I say I know what you'll earn this year, I mean *any* year, any 12 month period.
Answer me these 3 questions, and I'll have an answer which will be over 90% accurate.
Fancy having a go$%:

Ok, first question -
How much did you earn in the last 12 months$%:
Let's say for example's sake it was 20,000, obviously the currency doesn't matter, the principle works in any money!

Ok, second question -
How much will you earn in the next 12 months$%:
This answer will start to tell me how much you will *actually* earn in the next year.
Back to our example, and if you answer 20,000, this means you plan to do exactly the same thing that earned you the 20,000 this year.
Ok, I don't really need the 3rd question for you, because my prediction of 20,000 for you is over 90% accurate.
I can fairly safely say that you are in a job, and barring unemployment, you're 20,000 is virtually in the bank.

Few articles

If, however you answered 30 - 50,000, it's getting more interesting.
You have set a goal to increase on what you currently have. This kind of leap is perfectly possible, so why not$%:
If you answered 100,000 - 1 million, then you have set goals outside your current zone.
This is good, there are plenty of ways to go from 20,000 to a million annually, and I need the answer to the 3rd question to predict the outcome.

Ok, third question -
What is your next step to get to your own target$%:
Obviously the 20,000 brigade will answer 'carry on as before.'
If you answered between 30,000 and 1 million, you should be able to give me a specific measurable action that you know you will take to move you towards the goal.
If you can't, then your next 12 monthly income is likely to stay at 20,000.
Yes, you have set goals, but you are not taking the most important steps - planning your next move and actually acting on it.

I'll be smiling if you can give me a next step answer, and you should be too, because it means you are well on the way to your target, and I predict your income over the next 12 months will be whatever you set it at, because the goal achievement theory you are following has been tested and over may years, so there is no reason why it won't work for you!

If you don't believe what I say, I'd love you to email me with your answers to the 3 questions, and prove me wrong, but I'd rather you prove me right!


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